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Taipei Postdoc Seminar
11:00 - 12:30, September 6, 2017 (Wednesday)
Room 638, Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica
(中研院數學所 638室)
Some Pieces of Frontiers between Symplectic, Kähler, and Algebraic Geometry
Hsieh-Yung Lin (Universitaet Bonn)


Here is a foretaste of the kind of frontiers that we will discuss in the talk.
If we forget the complex structure of a Kähler manifold X, we obtain a symplectic manifold. Unlike Kähler manifolds, deforming symplectic manifolds is much more easier. Accordingly many invariants of X coming from its Kähler or algebraic geometry disappear whenever we deform X symplectically. Are there invariants which still survive?
A compact Kähler manifolds X carries an algebraic structure precisely when it can be embedded into a projective space (called projective manifold). This time deforming X as a Kähler manifolds is easier than deforming it as an algebraic variety. Can we obtain every compact Kähler manifold by deforming a projective manifold as a Kähler manifold?


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