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NCTS Seminar on PDE and Analysis
14:20 - 15:20, May 19, 2016 (Thursday)
R201, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, NTU
(台灣大學天文數學館 201室)
Revisit to the uniqueness of Calderon problem for 3D isotropic elasticity
Gen Nakamura (Inha University)


The uniqueness of Calderón problem has been left open for 15 years. This problem is to show that if we are given two pairs of bounded smooth Lame moduli   in a domain  with smooth boundary  and we have  for the Dirichlet to Neumann map  associated to  satisfying the strong convexity condition, then . The difficulty of problem comes from the existence of two metrics ,  in the 3D isotropic elasticity system of equations associated to  for each . It is still very hard to prove the uniqueness. Hence in this talk I will aim to show some generic uniqueness to the problem. Here the generic uniqueness means that there is a dense subset of the space in which  belongs where we can have the uniqueness.


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